Monday, February 16, 2009 a new member- owned and governed global village online

Have you claimed your free shares in me2everyone yet?

I've been seeing some blogosphere buzz about lately, and finally had a chance to check it out this weekend. WOW! This is one of the most intriguing and exciting online community concepts I've come across in a long time.

Imagine a MySpace/Facebook/Yuwie/SecondLife/eBay/GlobalGiving kind of space, that's enabled with integrated translation capacity. At me2everyone we can communicate online across language barriers in a space that's geared for social networking on steroids.

The whole thing is to be member-owned and member-governed. If you become a member, you become a shareholder, and you can earn more shares by participating at the site. It's 100% free to join, and if you are among the first 300,000 people to register during the pre-launch phase (happening now) you can get a bonus of 250 free shares - even more if others you tell about it decide to sign up too. There are no country restrictions.

The me2everyone business plan is based on a targeted advertising revenue model, and on becoming one of the most visited websites in the world by December 2012. Sometime around then, the plan is to make me2everyone a publicly traded company that's listed on global stock exchanges. Won't it be cool to watch our free shares grow in value!

But you have to hurry a bit! Since January 9 of this year, over 126,000 people have already signed up. I've been watching the member counter today in awe as 2,500+ people became members over the past 6 hours! Register to claim your free shares now, before the 300,000 member threshold is met, or the number of shares you receive for signing up will be lower.

One other thing to note about me2everyone is that they are currently recruiting a 300 member Global Executive committee to help shape inworld development. The details are quietly posted on the log-out page. The pdf documents linked from the logout page offer much more detail about the me2everyone plan (including financial projections) than the rest of the site currently does - well worth the read, and there is also an interesting part-time financial opportunity available to those selected for the Global Executive.

As I was reading I couldn't help think how perfect it would be to have some of my friends from and the old on the me2everyone Global Executive committee. I'm thinking that I will probably apply.

Whether you apply to the Global Executive or not, be sure to register for your free shares SOON - the worst thing that can happen is you'll get some extra email. If you don't sign up and me2everyone does become the next big thing... well, I'll let you finish that thought for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I signed up several months ago. It could all be a big house of cards, but they haven't asked for any sensitive information yet, so hey... I'll wait and see.
