Thursday, February 5, 2009

ourwwworld revisited

For nearly a year now, the ourwwworld space has been my experimental scratchpad as I've explored ways to earn income for my cause through blogging. While I will continue to blog about blogging, the focus of this space will be changing again now, to reflect my newest ventures into using the Internet to promote social change.

I've started a new business in the Traffic Exchanges that I'm kind of excited about. The Traffic Exchanges are an interesting marketplace that I've always thought could really use a blast of meaningful content and purpose beyond all the hype about money. A recent trend in that market is personalized branding, so I'm taking that to another level by binding my personal brand to change.

I know I've still got some tweaking to do, and I would surely love any feedback that readers here might have to offer. I've tried to design these pages specifically with the Traffic Exchanges and how they work in mind.

I really love how the splash pages turned out

And if you follow the links on those, you end up here
which I'm pretty happy with

or here, which I think still needs some serious tweaking (actually, it probably suffers from over-tweaking at the moment)

You can also read a bit about my plans for the site for the rest of this year at

There are some things that are typical in the click exchange market that I deliberately haven't done in this campaign (like hide information from people unless they provide an email address). I'd like to break out of the mold in a couple of ways that I hope - at the very least - will get some people in that market thinking about combining their business goals with more social good.

One of the things I really hate about the TE market is that so much of the real information you need be successful is exchanged behind closed doors. There are not many bloggers offering honest, publicly accessible reviews about the various market opportunities there - everyone seems to focused on selling. So that's something I plan to do a little differently.

From today forward in this space I'll be inviting questions from my Internet4Change shop customers about the products and services listed there, and posting reviews that can help them in developing their business plans. As the giveaway to causes develops, I'll also be posting updates about that here.

There will still be continued posts about earning online income for change through blogging, but that is no longer the sole focus of this blog. In addition to Traffic Exchanges and blogging, this space is likely to become a mish-mash of all kinds of ways that home-based online income generating activities can be combined with social content to increase awareness and foster group action for change. (BTW - If you decide to unsubscribe from this blog because the focus has changed, I promise I won't be offended.)

The name of this blog has changed slightly to reflect this broader perspective. Instead of ourwwworld: sustainable blogging, I'm now calling it ourwwworld: Adventures in clicking for impact.

Let me know your thoughts on the i4c shop campaign.

All the best,


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